Jan 17, 2010

OhNoDoom Grand Opening!

Where have I been? Well, I have been super busy working on my new gallery venture. If you haven't heard, I have joined the OhNo!doom Collective and last night we opened our brand new gallery. It took us 3 months to create the space but we are very happy with the outcome. Here are some photos of our place and our packed grand opening / Rock the Future exhibit!

The Doomers: Max, Jordan, Joe, Myself, Andrew & Oscar
Enter the Doom!
We sell Rocket World product!
Our 2010 event list
From the shop into the gallery

Participating artist Lacey Pipher
Curator Sadie Woods showing her niece the Fluffy YukYuk

Jason and Erin Brammer near his installation.

Thank you to everyone that came out, making our grand opening a success! Thanks to Sadie and Carlos for putting together the show! We were pretty much at capacity all night so, if you did not get a chance to really look at The Rock The Future exhibit please come on back! We are open tues-thurs 4-10pm, Sat. 12-7pm and by appointment (info@ohnodoom.com). Rock the Future donates a portion of the art sold to Rock For Kids, a charity that brings music programs to underprivileged youth. 1800 N. Milwaukee ave, Chicago

1 comment:

Happy Fuzzy said...

What a beautiful studio.