So much has been going on since my last post. I went on vacation to see my sister and then to the Stanley Hotel in CO. I bought a sock monkey...well not a monkey but a Ram. I got a kitten that we named Tanuki (squeeeeeeal). Fellow plush creator Steff Bomb has moved into my studio space with me. I have also been knee deep in arts. Here is the run down of goings on...
Thanks again to everyone that made it out to my show! The show is now over but check out my bigcartel shop for pieces you may have missed the first time around.
Also, The rumors you have been hearing are true! Max Bare and I have joined the OhNo!Doom Crew!!! Not only will we continue to bring you crazy art events but we are also moving the gallery to a bigger, brighter and better spot!!!
1800 N. Milwaukee!! I will be posting as we get the new gallery rolling. Can't wait to work with these jokers!

Nerd City:
Listen to the podcast / interview of myself and Max Bare. Be forewarned that it takes place at a pizza joint so the sound is that of being at a pizza place :). It was great fun and most of the interview is us just being "funny".
Listen to it here:
October 10th was Plush You. My piece is at the Anne Bonny if you are in the Seattle area.
Fly Bird:
October 10th was also the day the OhNo!Doom Crew painted a bit of wall over at Fly bird. the shop is awesome! You should go there and possibly buy something as well as look at the wall of artistic awesomeness.

October 23rd @ Toy Qube in NYC:
I have paired up with Nakanari to create a one of a kind 2 foot tall Spiki plush. It is on it's way to his new show.

October 24th @ OhNo!Doom
Phoneticontrol's Thought Processor Group show. This is a paper toy that myself and a bevy of other artists were asked to customize. There is also an accompanying art piece with each toy. I did a painting instead of a plush for this show."Whaaaaaa?" Yeah, I know!

I have an etsy shop! I will post things here and hopefully sell them. Free shipping in the US. Eh? Eh?
Rocket World:
I have begun production on the super limited edition Titus Plush....Stay tuned!
That is all for now. Time to clean the studio!
1 comment:
weeeee! I get to see you in march shhhhh!
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