Hi! I am still alive...promise. I have been locked up in my studio making work for my next show, working on stuff for shows at the gallery and finishing / starting random plush projects. So busy, I forgot how to relax. I have a booked schedule until the middle of December. I will be releasing some small run plush soon...I have not forgotten about those skulls but my plate is so full I had to get a second plate.
Making some plush for some other artists. Super cool projects that I will post when they get closer to completion.
Here's what is coming up:
Etsy Sale! http://www.etsy.com/shop/plushinator
I am having a spring / summer cleaning sale! Not sure how long I will have to up but i will be adding older stuff periodically.... like smaller items. Huzzah!
May 28th: Ten Years Hunting, Parker's Box Gallery, Brooklyn NY
I have a trophy piece in this gallery. This gallery is pretty different (in comparison to my usual haunts) it is a contemporary art gallery and I am thrilled they asked to represent my work. If you are in or around Brooklyn please stop by and take a gander.
June 5th: Painted Ladies, OhNo!Doom, Chicago!
The show Max and I curated for A.Okay Official has finally been resurrected! I do not have work in the show but, its at our gallery, so come out to show your support. Lots of awesome art by some really talented folks from all over! Need a better excuse? We are donating a part of our proceeds to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk foundation! Flyer art by David Palumbo.

June 19th!! 8-11pm: Ladies and Gentlemonsters, Revolution Tattoo and Gallery, Chicago
This is my big event for the year! I teamed up with Missmonster to rock out some dandy monsters and critters! Doing lots new work for this. Trying to do more smaller pieces for this as well...but we shall see, its hard to make super tiny suits ;)

July: SDCC 2010!
I will be back at the Rocket World booth with an all new limited edition plush. Super excited! More info to come.
Is that all? Well thats all for now...I will post my post-summer goings on a little later.
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