Mar 23, 2009

Pictures, shows and stuff

This week: Pusher show at Munky King, Los Angeles

The show is going to be awesome so if you are in LA you should go!
Here is a peek at my submission:

Late Night Walkies

I have been working non-stop lately...which is probably why I have succumbed to the flu everyone has been passing around (jerks). Coming up next is the A.Okay Nesting show and the Rocket World Humans Beware show. Just got to finish those up and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Oh, more picture of pieces past:

You sell me yours

This is the piece I did for the Foolsgold show in NY. The bidder on this piece actually flaked so ole fox-face returned home to me...hopefully to head out to a different show in the near future.  Back to work trying to get better so I can actually get back to work. 

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